AdSense policy clarification on using AdSense for feeds and AdSense for content

Monday, November 9, 2009 | 8:05 AM

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This is just a quick clarification on AdSense for feeds as it relates to the AdSense for Content specific policy of only allowing three ad units and three link units per page.

Many publishers have asked the question "Since feed items often get displayed with many feed items on a single web page, can using AdSense for feeds jeopardize the status of my AdSense account?"

The answer is no. Having three ad units per page is a product specific policy for AdSense for content. Product specific policies can be read about here.

In essence, the variable ways in which feed items are displayed are controlled and optimized automatically by the AdSense for feeds application and the choices you make as a publisher in your AdSense account when configuring your AdSense for feeds ad units. This means we may automatically suppress ad impressions when we detect there are too many feed ad units being displayed, resize ads based on the size and length of your content, and adjust the ads that are displayed based on the device in which the feed is being read.


Paul Crowe said...

This was somthing i often wondered about but i always presumed if you guys are putting the ads there it must be OK, Guess i was right.

Goog to have it cleared up all the same.


بوابة اليمن said...

well i hope if there's a way to reopen my Adenses agein, so i could do what's the policy ask for.

no more than three ADS in the page.


R.S Mallari said...

I have an adsense account separate from my google account where my blog is.

I was able to publish adsense for content using my approved adsense account but whenever I try to use adsense for feeds this is what shows up

"The AdSense account for this publisher has been disapproved. We do not allow requests on a disapproved AdSense account.

You have a FeedBurner account, but are not currently redirecting your blog's feed. Please select a feed from your FeedBurner account to configure AdSense for Feeds:"

I already configured a feed in my adsense account and keep on saying wait for 10 minutes before it will appear.

Unknown said...

I have an adsense account that was turned into a google account a couple years back, I had zero control over this, it was automated by google and resulted in my issue.

Unfortunately, I also had a Google account originally for gmail, then added google analytics, adwords and other services. Then feedburner was purchased by Google (terrible day) and my feeds are now in this account as well. All of these items separate from my google account with Adsense. :(

How do I consolidate my two google accounts so that I can use all of the services?

I am unable to use adsense for feeds because they exist on 2 different google accounts.

There are other issues as well that essentially decrease my ability to run effective adwords campaigns, meaning I spend less with Google.

Of course, Google has NO customer support, so I can't simply call in and ask for my accounts to be consolidated. Everything has to go through automated services, forums, blogs etc where there is no actual help with the account. :(

I've had this problem for over 2 years with no help. :(

Unknown said...

So does this mean that setting ads to display in every post in my RSS feed will cause my ad impressions to be suppressed? This still isn't very clear on the guidelines for what is an acceptable number of ads to include in a feed.

Anonymous said...

@sofduitmedia - you would have to use the feed transfer functionality to move them to the address of your AdSense account

@Nate - setting to every post in your RSS feed is totally fine and will have no ill consequences by itself