New features for advertisers targeting feeds

Tuesday, May 5, 2009 | 1:38 PM

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Along with the clarification regarding the domain we posted a few weeks ago over at Inside AdSense, we thought we would mention that we have made similar changes to the AdSense for feeds ad tags that are being placed in feeds. By changing our ad serving to the domain, we are now allowing advertisers to more easily create campaigns that span all media platform types on the Google Content Network, including sites, feeds, and mobile.

In addition to being able to target feeds with Placement Targeting and Contextual Targeting, which have always been supported, this change will soon allow advertisers to target feed users using Interest Based Advertising across both sites and feeds.

By making it easier for advertisers to buy ads in your feeds, and by supporting the exact same features and ad formats that are accepted on websites, the competition for your ad space should increase to help ensure that you're maximizing your earnings potential.


Maggie, Dammit said...

HEY. How about putting the 'contact support' page back in?? It's pretty shady what's been going on since Google took over. I have an issue and no one there will address it. I dare you to actually email me about this. I'm sure you won't even let this comment through, assholes. Honestly, do you even care?

Headstone said...

It is great to see Ad technology continuing to improve. Keep up the advancements!

ltbanks said...

Couldn't agree more.

Chef Jay said...

Yeah, it's good that adsense is improving very much. So far I haven't had any luck with adsense for feeds but maybe my luck is changing eh? Btw, is there adsense for email feeds?

nani said...

i am getting little confusing about adsense for feeds.So can you put a video about this.

griffin said...

I wish I had time to properly go through all the AdSense benefits. One needs to sit with this for a week or so. Isn't there a guide or a summary out there somewhere?

rickho2u said...

Based on your experience, which of the 2 are more effective? Placement targeting or contextual targeting? Please advise.
