Feed Stats Processing Caught Up

Monday, April 13, 2009 | 7:08 AM

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Over the last week, and as reported in the FeedBurner status blog , we experienced a technical issue that caused us to report reduced subscribers from Google Feedfetcher in your feed analytics at FeedBurner and AdSense.

Our engineers have resolved the issue, and been able to rebuild stats from our logs such that the totals should now be correct. Please note that in the past, we were not able to correct historical statistical anomalies, but are now able to do so, always using the actual traffic data.

No data was lost during this process, nor were any subscribers actually unsubscribed from your feed. All feed content was delivered to all subscribers who wished to view the content, regardless of the numbers reported. Ad impression reporting and revenue were unaffected by these subscriber reporting issues.

We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we continue to merge our systems with other Google systems behind the scenes.


Reid said...

That's great news that these outages are no longer permanent and that stats can be rebuilt.

When do you expect our stats to reflect the fix, though? My stats are still showing the same reduced Feedfetcher subscribers that they were showing last week.

Matt Shobe said...

@areseven: You should be seeing correct stats at this point; there might still be some minor patching we need to do for some feeds for the end of last week. We'll double-check.

KoboldToys.com said...

Hi, I am glad that you were able to fix this. However, I have 23 subscribers in my list that still don't show up in the stats but, what it is worse, they don't receive the emails from my blog at all...

When will they resume receiving my blog in the emails?


Bhargav Tripathi said...

Thats great congrats for coping up with problems...

AlexGrig said...

Hi !

My amount of subscribers freeze.
I know that yesterday and today subscribed 2-3 subscribers. But on the main page still no update :(


Anonymous said...

I also still have a deficit in stats. My blog is http://happinessinthisworld.com

Ramses said...

Hm, so this means that the fluctuating subscriber count is over, after years? Should be great news, but I say: first seeing, then believing.

Christoph Marquardt said...

I'm also still seeing over 10% less subscribers than before the issue. Is there anything I can help with to restore the missing data?

Kazi Leo said...

There is no update on the number of subscribers on the main page. Still showing 83 while its more than 145 when i log in.

I have tried pining and even resynchronizing the feeds

Blog is www.careerpointkenya.blogspot.com

Thanks in advance.

Matt Shobe said...

@Careers Point Kenya: Bear in mind that email subscribers who haven't confirmed their subscription request by responding to the confirmation email we send a) don't receive updates; b) don't count in your overall feed subscriber total.

Anonymous said...

A little over 200 people have clicked on my feedburner button on my blog http://happinessinthisworld.com, yet I only have 114 subscribers according to feedburner. I can certainly understand some number of people changing their minds about subscribing once they came to feedburner but 100 people out of 200 seems unlikely. Is there ANY way my subscriber stats could still be inaccurate? I see people clicking to subscribe on a daily basis but that number just isn't moving. Help!


Anonymous said...

@Alex - just because someone subscribes once does not mean your total will increase by one forever. If they are using a desktop feed reader, they will only count as a subscriber on the days in which the open the reader and read your feed. In fact, if they never actually read your feed content, they may never be counted as subscriber.

Other RSS readers do report subscribers as a "watermark" - but this is generally the exception rather than the rule.

So it is totally possible that 200 people who push the subscribe button would only yield 100 subscribers on any given day.

author said...

Could someone please tell me where I find a Live Hits page with my Feedburner account? Thanks.

Matt Shobe said...

@author Live Hits was a feedburner.com feature that we hope to restore on FeedBurner in Google. It's not currently available, however.

Anonymous said...

My stats are still off - are you sure my readers are getting their content? And how do I switch my feed back from Google so that it's no longer there - ever since I did that My #'s are always off which is frustrating. thanks!

Unknown said...

Since the FeedBurner switchover to Google, the export function has not worked at all if the blog owner had ever changed the RSS feed URL in the couse of using Feedburner. Now it simply fails with the message: "Trouble at the mill! FeedBurner encountered some kind of error performing the task or displaying the page you requested. Fear not, this event has notified the appropriate people within FeedBurner and we will have this all ironed out soon." However, the "notified people" do nothing and the problem persists.

Matt Shobe said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

Matt Shobe said...


Please see this Help Center article to learn how to return your feed traffic to your original feed, and away from FeedBurner:


Anonymous said...

@Matt Thanks but I love Feedburner. Just wish my stats were correctly showing. I love all that Feedburner offers. Thanks tons for your help though.

Google Online Jobs from Home said...

I never expected from feedburner had faced this kind of problem. Now we are very happy after solved this problem. Thanks feedburner.

LSTL said...

I can never seem to export feed stats -- I always get a trouble at the mill page. Any ideas why that would be?

Unknown said...

My subscribers, and several other people's, are still incorrect, and no one is giving people answers on the FeedBurner Help Group board. If anyone can help, that would be greatly appreciated. My subscribers have gone from around plus/minus 275 to 13--where they have been for the last two weeks.

Anonymous said...

@Matthew - we're working on ways in the UI so you can diagnose which feed readers stop reporting your subscribers. I understand this perhaps isn't clear right now, but a good place to start is the "See More about my subscribers" - and compare it day by day - they you can see if the issue is that a feed reader went out of business, or something just failed to report.

KellytheKitchenKop.com said...

I have the same problem as Kobold Toys above - I have some confirmed subscribers who are NOT getting my updates! Who knows how many in total aren't receiving them?

I tried the help group, too, and got no reply in about a week.

Thanks, Kelly

Anonymous said...

thanks for information

FreshSurf said...

Same goes for me ... That's great news that these outages are no longer permanent and that stats can be rebuilt. Thank you!

Carol M said...

I'm a subscriber at quite a few blogs and I am NOT getting my updates. I have tried subscribing again and just get a message saying I'm already subscribed. This started earlier this week. I asked one of the blog owners to unsubscribe me which she did. When I subscribed again the updates starting coming again. I can't ask all the blog owners to do this and I deleted all my old emails so I can't unsubscribe from them. I really need help with this. Is there anything you can do so I start receiving my updates again.
Thank you