Now Available: Moving your FeedBurner account to Google using AdSense

Monday, December 22, 2008 | 11:52 AM


If you've been following some recent posts at the venerable Burning Questions, you'll be happy to know that we are now starting the next phase of FeedBurner integration into Google, right here in our swanky new digs on the Adsense for feeds blog. AdSense for feeds isn't just about earning revenue for your feeds; it's also the starting point for managing syndication and tracking feed analytics. We hope to give you some tips to how to earn the most revenue from your syndicated content, but we'll also be offering tips to help ensure your feeds remain in tip-top shape.

A few months ago, we announced that we would be moving all FeedBurner accounts to Google accounts and we have been steadily doing just that ever since. However, as many of you know, this has been a manual process and has taken some time to smooth out.

Now, we're happy to announce that if you have a valid AdSense account and a FeedBurner account, you should now be able to initiate this account move directly from within your AdSense account. (Moving accounts starting from within and to Google will be available soon. We're grinding away on this feature right now.)

Why move? That's the easy part. Moving to a Google account means:

* We can tie your FeedBurner feeds to other Google products and services easily as you see fit
* You can participate in AdSense for feeds
* You will get access to all the new services and publisher tools for syndication we are developing in the future

We will still be contacting FeedBurner publishers by email, based on previous account information you provided that matches information in Google accounts. But if we are not getting to you fast enough, please use the self-serve form to initiate your account move, even if you requested a move at a prior time. This helps us reach as many of you as possible, as there may have been a typo in your request that prevented us from successfully moving your account previously.

We know there are a lot of questions around this process, so we have created a FeedBurner to Google Account Transfer FAQ. We look forward to helping you earn more money from your syndicated content and streamlining your feeds in the New Year!

Posted by Steve Olechowski - Product Manager, AdSense for feeds


Anonymous said...

Well FeedBurner, welcome to the Blogger platform! :-)

My only question is, will you keep comments open on this blog? (especially OpenID)



Avaiki Nius said...

. . .

Sounds good, I think.

After several attempts at using Feedburner, I remain quite confused with all the options on offer, and seemingly endless permutations possible.

Is it possible to include a feeds for dummies tab for new users? Or newbies or whatever they call us these days?

. . .

Unknown said...

According to the Feedburner stats, since moving to the Google version I've lost over half my subscribers, yet everything is working fine.

Also, the reliability of the new site seems low. Site doesn't load, or gives an error.

A lot to improve here.

1001 noisy cameras said...

Can you please provide a way to use Adsense-for-Feeds without having to move the feeds to the Google account that has Adsense linked to it?

This is an unnecessary coupling that creates twisted situations and confusion (MyBrand, email subscriptions) for people who have more than one domain/blog.

Unknown said...

Eerr...where do we find this "self-serve form"?

Unknown said...

I tried moving my feeds to Adsense and it kept coming up with an error and a contact email...

ABiE said...


Unknown said...

Okay, love the fact that you are integrating this service better with other google services. But I'm a little bit confused about the adsense thing, as my website has been using feedburner for quite a time now, but it doesn't qualify for adsense as it is in Icelandic.

Michael Vizdos said...

I am going to ask my readers if I should re-open AdSense on my site and feed at

Is this the only way to convert over to the google platform now?

Thank you!

- mike vizdos

Anonymous said...

@Michael and Valgaer - It is not necessary to have an AdSense account to use FeedBurner on the Google platform. We will have a way to do this directly from your feedburner login in the coming days. Stay tuned.

Newswise Staff said...

Transferred feeds are supposed to show immediately according to the FAQ, but it's been over an hour now, and they're still not showing in my feeds. Any info about how long this takes after the transfer is accepted?

Unknown said...

Migrating feeds on my first site resulted in errors in the feed and a drop in subscribers. I posted a comment, but I notice it hasn't been published.

Now, I'm trying to migrate a second site, and the link to migrate just fails "Forbidden Error 403". The error has been reported in your forums but after a day, no response from Google. This does not look good.

Unknown said...

This is perhaps the clearest most informative information assistance I have read on Google AdSense. Keep-up the good work and pass my comment to your colleagues and AdSense "accountants".

Sulka said...

Anyone reading this - I recommend you hold on migrating to the Google account to the last minute, as the migration has severe issues. You will lose the site statistics and any historic item data is lost permanently. I can't remember being warned about this prior to moving my account, and there's no word anywhere on whether these will be fixed or not.

Anonymous said...

@Sulka - historical stats will be brought over in the background. Also the Learn More link covers your other issues.

Dan Brantley said...

35 Hours now and no feeds.

Google say they are transferred, Feedburner says they are transferred.

I received an email saying the transfer was successful.

No feeds listed on the My Feeds page.

No feeds available on the Adsense for feeds page.

Any idea when or if I will ever be able to take advantage of all these great ideas on this blog?

It seems you need feeds to do these things and the rihgt hand of Google says they were transferred and the left hand of Google says I don't have any.

Expert said...

refresh the page dan, I had the same problem but I refreshed the page immediately and it showed my feeds.

Unlike most people who were complaining, my transition was very smooth - no problems at all. The only problem is that when I logged into feedburner I noticed my stats were showing a lower value by about 3000 - i take it to mean that google's algo for rss was already in effect on feedburner and thus it was reduced, hard to believe 3000 were spammers or fraudulent users but doesn't matter so long as they can get my stuff I don't care.

Only problem is my rss for feeds isn't converting well - impressions wise I'm getting 70+ a day - I'm looking forward to seeing how this changes when I make a new post in 3-4 days. I'm liking how smooth it was and how I didn't need to update anything. But in trying to view the ads I couldn't see anything.

I'm still using the old feedburner address, with no plans to move to the google address ..I want to maintain canon.

admin said...

How can I change the Google account I transferred the feeds to? I transferred them to one different from the one I use to manage AdSense and now I can't use AdSense for feeds!

Anonymous said...

@Guadagnare - you have to use "Transfer feed"

ShawnHarmon said...

Stev O -


We want to make a a gadget that determines some political information based on an address.

You simply enter your street and zip and we return a screen shot relevant to the specific address entered in the widget.

Can we place adSense ads in the widget? For example, MTV wanted to post our widget on one of their pages, we would have the box for address and zip PLUS a few AdSense ads running in the widget as well?

Thank you.

Shawn Harmon

acca said...

I stucked at
I chose "Stay signed in as" radio button, clicked Next but nothing happens. Tried several times and it's stucked there.

Mama Snow said...

I am stuck as well and have not been able to pass the step after selecting the account to move to! As soon as I click next...nothing happens??? Also I now can't even access my feeds and subscribers and I have gotten several new subscribers and would like to save them, as of now I don't even know if I wan to stay with feedburner there is no help anywhere?!?!

Andrew G. Farrand said...

I am the owner of a Typepad blog ( ) and use Feedburner for the feed management ( ). Here is my problem:

There is an AdSense advertisement on my blog that is tied to Feedburner, and which I cannot edit (colors, fonts, etc.). The ad appears below the first post on each page.

If I could edit certain design elements, I would love to be able to keep this ad. If not, I would like to remove it completely.

Thank you for your assistance!

P.S. I found one other user with the same problem (which I believe may be related to the Feedburner to Google account transfer, and the removal of all options under the "Monetize" tab) :

Anonymous said...

@Andrew - you are right, we've removed the customization of feedflare on site ads from the feedburner interface. These ads were replacements for the old FeedBurner Ad Network ads that used to run in that space.

If you'd like to change the colors, visit AdSense for Content at and generate a new ad unit, and replace the FeedBurner javascript with the AdSense javascript.